Wellness Blueprint Quiz

Wellness Blueprint Quiz

8 Dimensions Of Wellness

Welcome to the Wellness Quiz! This quiz will help you assess your current well-being across 8 key wellness dimensions: Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Social, Financial, Occupational, Intellectual, and Environmental.

1 / 40

I find healthy ways to cope with stress (e.g., exercise, meditation, social support, self-care activities, etc.)

2 / 40

I am able to ask for assistance when I need it, either from friends and family, or professionals.

3 / 40

I accept responsibility for my own actions.

4 / 40

I am able to set priorities and manage my time effectively.

5 / 40

I feel good about myself and believe others like me for who I am.

6 / 40

I take time to think about what is important in life—who I am, what I value, where I fit in, where I'm going.

7 / 40

I make time for relaxation during the day.

8 / 40

I have a belief system in place (religious, agnostic, atheist, spiritual, etc.).

9 / 40

My values guide my decisions and actions.

10 / 40

I am tolerant and accepting of the views of others.

11 / 40

I exercise regularly.

12 / 40

I get 7-9 hours of sleep each night and feel rested in the morning.

13 / 40

I manage my weight in healthy ways.

14 / 40

I seek advice from healthcare professionals if I have a health concern I cannot solve on my own.

15 / 40

I stay hydrated and drink water throughout the day.

16 / 40

I am satisfied with my social life.

17 / 40

I maintain a network of supportive friends, family, and social contacts.

18 / 40

I have at least one meaningful relationship in my life.

19 / 40

I am accepting of the diversity of others (race, ethnicity, religion, gender, ability, sexual orientation, etc.).

20 / 40

I give and take equally in my relationships.

21 / 40

I am able to set and stick to a budget each month so I don't run out of money.

22 / 40

I know my total amount of debt and interest rates.

23 / 40

I pay my bills on time.

24 / 40

I have a savings account and save money regularly.

25 / 40

I feel good about my current and future financial situation.

26 / 40

I am able to balance work, play, school, and other aspects of my life.

27 / 40

I take advantage of opportunities to learn new skills that can enhance my future employment opportunities.

28 / 40

I know what skills are necessary for the occupations I am interested in.

29 / 40

I strive to develop good work habits (dependability, initiative, etc.).

30 / 40

I work effectively with others.

31 / 40

I seek personal growth by learning new skills.

32 / 40

I am open to new ideas.

33 / 40

I look for ways to use my creative and critical thinking skills.

34 / 40

I learn about different topics that interest me from books, magazines, newspapers, and the internet.

35 / 40

I am eager to learn.

36 / 40

I spend time outdoors enjoying nature.

37 / 40

I reduce, reuse, and recycle products.

38 / 40

I try to lessen my environmental impact.

39 / 40

I walk, bike, use public transportation, or carpool when possible.

40 / 40

I am concerned about impacts on my local, national, and world climate.

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